The original design lacked contrast so form-heavy app screens got a white card background and the overall color palette was adjusted to increase contrast.

Other global changes included adding layouts for sponsorship offerings and designing an icon set for marking milestones.

The original design had a write-in field for the pain location. As Ouchie narrowed focus to orthopedic pain, adding a visual picker made sense.

I also worked on Ouchie-branded powerpoint slides and a responsive web site design.

Before diving into Ouchie app work I met with the client to get an overview of the work completed to date and what needed to be done prior to launch. I reviewed the Sketch file with mockups including color and font usage. For each issue, like this pain level entry, I received a rough sketch and/or a request in writing. The client and I looked at apps and online tools with similar features for inspiration and for examples of what was and wasn’t working. From there, I mocked up several different ideas to choose from and refine.